
Edited by Counterpath Press
You can get your book in Small Press Distribution or in Amazon
Interviews about the book for the Mexican Television
Despierta, con Loret (1/May/2019)
A quemarropa, (Feb 2018) ADN 40
Interviews about the book in Radio:
Colombian Radio station Blu Radio
Notes in the Press:
The Computational and the Cognitive-Social: Talking to Rafael Pérez y Pérez (LA Review of Books, 21/12/2018)
En la FIL presentan libro creado con inteligencia artificial (Excélsior 27/Nov/2018)
What a Computational Storyteller (MEXICA) Can Tell Us about Creativity? (The Creativity Post, 22/Feb/2018)
Boston Globe 2/Feb/2018
Milenio digital
Readings (videos)
Readings of MEXICAin the International Book Fair Guadalajara 2018 (24/Nov/2018)
The Kelly’s writer house, University of Pennsylvania (5/Feb/2018)
MIT Press Bookstore (7/Feb/2018)
Babyscastles, New York (8/feb/2018)
Have a taste of it!
This is a video that illustrates a story that is part of the book “MEXICA 20 years – 20 stories”
El siguiente video es un ejemplo de una narrativa desarrollada por el sistema y que viene en el libro “MEXICA 20 años 20 historias”
I might be able to provide a copy or draft of some of these papers (contact me).
• Pérez y Pérez, R. and Sharples, M. (2023). An Introduction to Narrative Generators: How Computers Create Works of Fiction. Oxford: Oxford University Press
• Montfort, N. and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2023). Computational Models for Understanding Narrative. Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens, (58): 97-117.
• Pérez y Pérez, R., (2023). A computer model to evaluate the coherence of characters’ behaviour based on their emotional relationships. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Creativity, University of Waterloo, Canada, pp. 123-132.
• Pérez y Pérez, R. (2023). El viejo sueño de las narrativas automáticas. Otros Diálogos de El Colegio de México, Num. 25.
• Sharples, M. and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2022). Story Machines. How Computers Have Become Creative Writers. London: Routledge.
• Sharples, M., Pérez y Pérez, R. (2022). Original essays written in seconds: how ‘transformers’ will change assessment. Times Higher Education.
• Sharples, M., Pérez y Pérez, R. (2022). Transform learning with AI. London School of Economics Higher Education Blog.
• Pérez y Pérez, R., Lo Curto, L. and Outcault, B. (2021). The stone of madness meets AI. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Creativity, México City, pp. 163-167.
• Pérez y Pérez, R., Ackerman, M. (2020). Towards a Methodology for Field Work in Computational Creativity. New Gener. Comput. Doi: (you can read the paper here ).
• Veale, T., Pérez y Pérez, R. (2020). Leaps and Bounds: An Introduction to the Field of Computational Creativity. New Gener. Comput.
• Guerrero Román, I. & Pérez y Pérez, R. (2020). A methodology to forecast some attributes of an automatic storyteller’s outputs. Connection Science, 32:1, pp. 81-111. DOI: 10.1080/09540091.2019.1609418. You can get a free copy of this paper here (there are only 50 available copies, so hurry up!).
• Pérez y Pérez, R. & Guerrero Román, I. (2020). A computer agent that develops visual compositions based on the ER-model. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 88 (5-6), pp. 549-588. (
Pérez y Pérez, R. (2020). Mexican International Colloquium on Computational Creativity. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 378-381 (proceedings to download)
• Pérez y Pérez R. (2019). Representing Social Common Sense Knowledge in MEXICA. In T. Veale and A. Cardoso (eds.) Computational Creativity: The Philosophy and Engineering of Autonomously Creative Systems, Springer.
• Veale, T., Cardoso, A. and Pérez y Pérez R. (2019). Systematizing Creativity: The Computational View. In T. Veale and A. Cardoso (eds.) Computational Creativity: The Philosophy and Engineering of Autonomously Creative Systems, Springer.
• Ackerman, M. and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2019). Field Work in Computational Creativity. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Creativity, Charlotte, North Caroline, USA, pp. 236-242. ISBN: 978-989-54160-1-1.
• Gutiérrez, L. F. and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2019). Analyzing Art Works: The Six Steps Methodology. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Creativity, Charlotte, North Caroline, USA, pp. 73-80. ISBN: 978-989-54160-1-1.
• Guerrero, I. y Pérez y Pérez, R. (2019). Incorporación de aspectos sociales a la generación automática de narrativas. Computación y Sistemas, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 583-599. (doi: 10.13053/CyS-23-2-2912).
• Pérez y Pérez, R. (2018). The Computational Creativity Continuum. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Creativity, Salamanca, Spain, pp. 177-184. ISBN: 978-989-54160-0-4.
• Pérez y Pérez, R. (2018). Introducción a la creatividad computacional: el caso del proyecto MEXICA-impro. En I. Galina, M. Peña, E. Priani, J.F. Barrón, D. Domínguez y A. Álvarez (Coord.) Humanidades Digitales: Lengua, texto, patrimonio, datos. Bonilla Artigas Editores: Ciudad de México, pp. 75-110.
• Pérez y Pérez R. (2018). Comunicación e Interdisciplina: Perspectiva desde la Creatividad Computacional. En D. Crovi (Coord.), Sociedad del conocimiento y comunicación: reflexiones críticas desde América Latina. Ciudad de México: La Biblioteca, pp. 199-210.
• Pérez y Pérez, R. (2017). MEXICA: 20 years – 20 stories [20 años – 20 historias]. Denver, CO: Counterpath Press.
• Aguilar, W. & Pérez y Pérez, R. (2017). Emergence of eye–hand coordination as a creative process in an artificial developmental agent. Adaptive Behavior, (
• Singh, D., Ackerman, M. and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2017). A Ballad of the Mexicas: Automated Lyrical Narrative Writing. In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Computational Creativity, Atlanta, pp. 229-236. ISBN: 978-0-692-89564-1 ( ) (see a video of Maya and Rafael performing a song composed by the system)
• Grace, K., Maher, M. L., Mohseni, M. and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2017). Encouraging p-creative behaviour with computational curiosity. In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Computational Creativity, Atlanta, pp. 120-127. ISBN: 978-0-692-89564-1 ( )
• Aguilar, W. and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2017). Early-creative behavior: the first manifestations of creativity in a developmental agent. In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Computational Creativity, Atlanta, pp. 17-24. ISBN: 978-0-692-89564-1 ( )
• Ackerman, M., Goel, A., Johnson, C., Jordanous, A., León, C., Pérez y Pérez, R., Toivonen, H. and Ventura, D. (2017). Teaching Computational Creativity. In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Computational Creativity, Atlanta, pp. 9-16. ISBN: 978-0-692-89564-1 ( )
• Guerrero, I. & Pérez y Pérez, R. (2016). Knowledge structures of an automatic storyteller and their relevance for its generated stories. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Creativity, Paris. ( )
• Pérez y Pérez R. (ed.) (2015). Creatividad Computacional, México D. F: UAM-Cuajimalpa-Patria. Get the book here
• Pérez y Pérez R. (2015). MEXICA-impro: Generación automática de narrativas colectivas. En R. Pérez y Pérez (ed.) Creatividad Computacional, UAM-Cuajimalpa-Patria, pp. 95-110. Get the chapter here
•Pérez y Pérez, R. (2015). A Computer-based Model for Collaborative Narrative Generation. Cognitive Systems Research, 36-37. pp. 30-48. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cogsys.2015.06.002).
• Pérez y Pérez R. (2015). From MEXICA to MEXICA-Impro: The Evolution of a Computer Model for Plot Generation. In T.R. Besold, M. Schorlemmer, A. Smaill (Eds.), Computational Creativity Research: Towards Creative Machines, Atlantis Thinking Machines 7.
• Pérez y Pérez R. (2015). Reflexiones sobre las características del trabajo interdisciplinario y sugerencias sobre cómo fomentarlo en el aula universitaria. En Vicente Castellanos (Ed.) Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Comunicación, pp. 35-50, México D. F.: UAM Cuajimalpa.
• Aguilar, W. & Pérez y Pérez, R. (2015). Dev E-R: A computational model of early cognitive development as a creative process. Cognitive Systems Research, 33, pp. 17–41.
• Guerrero, I., Verhoeven, B., Barbieri, F., Martins, P., Pérez y Pérez, R. (2015). The Riddler Bot: a next step on the ladder towards creative Twitter bots. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity, Park City, Utah, USA, pp. 315-322.
• Pérez y Pérez, R. (2015). Reflexiones sobre los Alcances de los Modelos Computacionales para la Generación de Narrativas. Tema y Variaciones de Literatura, 45, Semestre II, pp.170-183. ( )
• Pérez y Pérez, R. (2014). The Three Layers Evaluation Model for Computer-Generated Plots. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Creativity, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 220-229. (
• Guerrero-Román, I. and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2014). Social Mexica: A Computer Model for Social Norms in Narratives. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Creativity, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 192-200. (
• Gómez de Silva Garza, A., and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2014). Towards Evolutionary Story Generation. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Creativity, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 332-335. (
• Aguilar, W., and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2014). Criteria for Evaluating Early Creative Behavior in Computational Agents. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Creativity, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 284-287. (
• Gómez de Silva Garza, A. Cambria, E. Pérez y Pérez, R., (2014). Commonsense Knowledge As The Glue In A Hybrid Model Of Computational Creativity, Proceedings of the 4th Sentiment Elicitation from Natural Language Text for Information Retrieval and Extraction (SENTIRE) Workshop of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM’14), pp.360-364.
• Ávila, R. y Pérez Y Pérez, R. (2014). Teoría de la comunicación y creatividad computacional: conceptos y convergencias. En Memorias del IV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación, Bilbao, España, pp. 1807-1817. ( )
• Pérez y Pérez, R. y Castellanos, V. (2013). Ya no se cuentan las historias como antes: transformación de las narrativas en la era digital. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación, 10 (19), pp. 66-75.
• Pérez y Pérez, R. y Castellanos, V. (2013). Relaciones interdisciplinarias entre las ciencias de la comunicación y las ciencias de la computación. Caso de un sistema computacional creativo. Enl@ce Revista Venezolana de Información, Tecnología y Conocimiento, 10 (3), 61-77. (PDF)
• Pérez y Pérez R. and Ortiz, O. (2013). A Model for Evaluating Interestingness in a Computer–Generated Plot. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Creativity, Sydney, Australia, pp.131-138. (PDF Proceedings)
• Pérez y Pérez R., González de Cossío, M. and Guerrero, I. (2013). A Computer Model for the Generation of Visual Compositions. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Creativity, Sydney, Australia, pp.105-112. (PDF Proceedings)
• Montfort, N., Pérez y Pérez R., Harrell, F. and Campana, A. (2013). Slant: A Blackboard System to Generate Plot, Figuration, and Narrative Discourse Aspects of Stories. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Creativity, Sydney, Australia, pp.168-175. (PDF Proceedings)
• Aguilar, W. and Pérez y Pérez R. (2013). Computer Model of a Developmental Agent to Support Creative-Like Behavior. In Proceedings Creativity and (Early) Cognitive Development: A Perspective from Artificial Creativity, Developmental AI, and Robotics, AAAI Spring Symposium, Technical Report SS-13-02 (PDF)
• Morales-Palafox, E., Pérez y Pérez, R. (2012). Razonamiento analógico: una herramienta en la creación de narrativas. Research in Computing Science, Vol. 55, pp. 3-13
•Pérez y Pérez, R., Morales, N., Rodríguez, L. (2012). Illustrating a Computer Generated Narrative. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Creativity, Dublín, , pp. 103-110.
• Pérez y Pérez, R., Castellanos,V., Ávila, R., Peñalosa, E., Negrete, S. (2011). Mexica-impro: ideas para desarrollar un modelo computacional de improvisación. CIENCIA ergo sum, Vol. 18, Número 1, pp. 35-42.
• Perez y Perez, R., Ortiz, O., Luna, W. A., Negrete, S., Peñaloza, E., Castellanos, V., and Ávila, R. (2011). A System for Evaluating Novelty in Computer Generated Narratives. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Creativity, México City, México, pp. 63-68.
• Pérez y Pérez, R., Aguilar, A., and Negrete, S. (2010). The ERI-Designer: A Computer Model for the Arrangement of Furniture. Minds an Machines, Vol. 20, number 4, pp. 483-487. DOI: 10.1007/s11023-010-9208-9.
• Veale, T., Gervás, P., Pérez y Pérez, R., (2010). Computational Creativity: A Continuing Journey. Minds an Machines, Vol. 20, number 4, pp. 533-564.
• Perez y Perez, R., Negrete, S., Peñaloza, E., Castellanos, V., Ávila, R. and Lemaitre, C. (2010). MEXICA-Impro: A Computational Model for Narrative Improvisation. In Proceedings of the international conference on computational creativity, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 90-99.
• García Hernández, C. & Pérez y Pérez, R. (2009). Sistemas Interactivos Inteligentes en las Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación. En García, Caridad y Rodrigo, Gómez (coord.), Comunicación e Interdisciplina. México: Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores de la Comunicación, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, pp.579-601. ISBN: 978-607-433-138-7
• Montfort, N. and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2008). Integrating a Plot Generator and an Automatic Narrator to Create and Tell Stories. In Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Workshop in Computational Creativity, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España, pp. 61-70. (ISBN 978-84-92539-00-0)
• Alvarado López, J. and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2008). A Computer Model for the Generation of Monophonic Musical Melodies. In Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Workshop in Computational Creativity, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España, pp. 117-126. (ISBN 978-84-92539-00-0)
• Aguilar, A., Hernández, D., Pérez y Pérez, R., Rojas, M., and Zambrano, M. de L. (2008). A Computer Model for Novel Arrangements of Furniture. In Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Workshop in Computational Creativity, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España, pp. 157-162. (ISBN 978-84-92539-00-0)
• Pérez y Pérez, R. (2007). Employing Emotions to Drive Plot Generation in a Computer-Based Storyteller. Cognitive Systems Research. Vol. 8, number 2, pp. 89-109. DOI information: 10.1016/j.cogsys.2006.10.001
• Pérez y Pérez, R., Sosa, R., Lemaitre, C. (2007). A computer Model of Visual Daydreaming. In Proceedings of the AAAI 2007 Fall Symposia in Intelligent Narrative Technologies, Arlington, Virginia, pp. 102-109. (ISBN 978-1-57735-350-8)
• Gervás, P., Pérez y Pérez, R., Sosa, R., Lemaitre, C. (2007). On the Fly Collaborative Story-Telling: Revising Contributions to Match a Shared Partial Story Line. In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Workshop in Computational Creativity, Goldsmiths, University of London, pp.13-20.
• Álvarez, M., Pérez y Pérez, R., Aliseda, A. (2007). A Generative Grammar for Pre-Hispanic Production: The Case of El Tajín Style. In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Workshop in Computational Creativity, Goldsmiths, University of London, pp. 39-46.
• García, R., Gervás, P., Hervás, R., Pérez y Pérez, R., Arámbula, F. (2006). A Framework for the E-R Computational Creativity Model. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: MICAI 2006, Advances in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 70-80.
• Acosta, E., and Pérez y Pérez, R. (2006). The Geometrician: a Computer Prototype of Problem Solving in Geometry Construction. In Sun, R. ed. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, p. 2435.
• Pérez y Pérez, R & Aliseda, A. (2006). The Role of Abduction in Automatic Storytelling. Proceedings of the AAAI workshop in Computational Aesthetics: AI Approaches to Beauty & Happiness, AAAI-06 (pp. 53-60). Boston, Massachusetts. (ISBN 978-57735-286-0)
• Rodrigo García, Pablo Gervás, Raquel Hervás, y Rafael Pérez y Pérez (2006). Applying the E-R Computational Creativity Model to Image Interpretation. In S. Colton & A. Pease (eds.) Proceeding of the Computational Creativity Workshop, ECAI’06,( pp. 29-32). Riva del Garda, Italy.
• Acosta Villaseñor, E. & Pérez y Pérez, R. (2005). The Geometrician: a computer model for problem solving in the field of geometry. In P. Gervás, A. Pease and T. Veale (eds.), Proceedings of the Second Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, at the 19TH International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’05), (pp. 10-16). Edinburgh, Scotland.
• Pelczer, I. & Pérez y Pérez, R. (2005). A model of believable-characters for a computer based storyteller. In P. Gervás, A. Pease and T. Veale (eds.), Proceedings of the Second Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, at the 19TH International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’05), (pp. 101-104). Edinburgh, Scotland.
• Pérez y Pérez, R. & Sharples, M. (2004) Three Computer-Based Models of Storytelling: BRUTUS, MINSTREL and MEXICA. Knowledge Based Systems Journal. Vol. 17, number 1, pp. 15-29. (ISSN 0950-7051)
• Pérez y Pérez, R. y Gamboa, F. (2004). Importancia de Modelos del Proceso Creativo en la IHM. En: Miguel Arias Estrada y Alexander Gelbukb (eds.), Avances en la Ciencia de la Computación, (pp. 86-95). Taller de Interacción Humano-Computadora del Encuentro Internacional de Computación ENC’04. Colima, México: Universidad de Colima, Mexican Society of Computer Sciences.
• Pérez y Pérez, R. (2004). Words, Emotions and Plot Generation. In: T. Veale, A. Cardoso, F. C. Pereira & P. Gervás (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Resources for Linguistic Creativity at the 4th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference LREC 2004, (pp. 17-20). Lisboa, Portugal: European Language Resources Association.
• I Pelczer, F. Cabiedes, F. Gamboa, R. Pérez y Pérez, J.L. Pérez. (2003). Emotions and Interactive Agents: perspectives toward educative software development. Memorias del Congreso Latinoamericano de Multimedieros Universitarios, México D. F.
• Pérez y Pérez, R. & Sharples, M. (2001) MEXICA: a computer model of a cognitive account of creative writing. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. Volume 13, number 2, pp. 119-139. (ISSN 0952-813X) (see paper here)
• Barojas, J. & Pérez y Pérez, R. (2001) Physics and Creativity: Problem Solving and Learning Contexts. Industry and Higher Education. Vol. 15, number 6, pp.431-439. (ISSN 0950-4222)
• Pérez y Pérez, R. & Sharples, M.(1999) MEXICA: A Computational Model of the Process of Creative Writing. Proceedings of the AISB Symposium on Creative Language: Humour and Stories, Edinburgh, pp. 46-51.
•Pérez y Pérez, R. (1999). MEXICA: A Computer Model of Creativity in Writing. DPhil Dissertation, University of Sussex, UK.
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• Pérez y Pérez, R. (1996) Creativity in Writing, en Proceedings of the Second International Symposium Creativity and Cognition, Loughborough, England.