Other interesting things
“Intelligent Inclusión“, at Hammer Museum, 1/May/2019
If you want to see my presentation at #AIForGood 2019 go to this link and then choose the option “Culture and Storytelling in the Age of AI Interactive Workshops by IVOW (2/3) (CICG 1)” and forward the video to 31’50”. Unfortunately, it is not possible to see my slides.
If you want to see the panel where I participated at #AIForGood 2019 go to this link and then choose the option “Culture and Storytelling in the Age of AI Interactive Workshops by IVOW (1/3) (CICG 1)” and forward the video to the minute 30.
Presentación del libro MEXICA 20 years – 20 stories [20 años – 20 historias] en la FIL de Guadalajara, 2018.
Presentación del libro: “Creatividad computacional”. FIL Guadalajara 2015
Paisaje Interno, Radio Educación 12/03/2020
See the interview that Andy Fitch made to me for LA Review of Books on 12/21/2018.
Can a computer tell a good story? Computer Science for Fun, Issue 18
A short story:
Corazón endiosado by Rafael Pérez y Pérez (PDF)
A Godlike Heart by Rafael Pérez y Pérez, translated from the original Spanish by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London (PDF)
Una rumba para Rafael Reif. This document narrates (in Spanish) the inauguration of Rafael Reif as the 17th president of the MIT (PDF)
Reforma: Una rumba para Rafael Reif. This is a short version published in the Mexican newspaper Reforma on the 25th of November 2012 (PDF)
Etéroes gigantes: un día con Mark Turner (PDF).
TV Programs
Diálogos Fin de Semana, Vida Digital (Canal 11)
La inteligencia artificial en la vida cotidiana (transmitido el 21/07/2018)
Inteligencia artificial y creatividad (transmitido el 18/08/2018)
This CD has songs composed and sung by Rafael
¡Ay, qué caray! (I wrote this song when I was living in England, around 1994)
Tengo miedo(I wrote this song in High School, around 1983)
Tus maneras (This song was inspired by and dedicated to Susana, my wife, around 2003)
La luna llena (A lullaby that my Dad wrote for me when I was a kid)
TUS MANERAS. This song was inspired by and dedicated to Susana, my wife, around 2003.